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Client Testimonials

When I first started training with Evan I was very overweight and incredibly out of shape.  It affected every aspect of my daily life from my health to my self-esteem.  I have now lost 25 pounds, my blood pressure is normal and playing tennis is fun again not a chore. I love shopping for clothes and actually looked forward to putting on a bathing suit at the beach this summer for the first time in 15 years.

I was intimidated and frustrated by the big gyms and exercise classes. I never knew where to start and how to improve as well as being boring and repetitive.

Evan is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about what he does.  He is encouraging and challenging at the same time.  His attention is always on the client, making sure you are doing the exercise properly as well as making sure that you are improving. There is no judgment just help in achieving your goals.  No session is exactly the same.  Every time I leave a session with Evan I feel that I have accomplished something that I never thought that I could.*

Mary F.

Chagrin Falls, Ohio

I started training with Evan in Fall of 2014 to lose some weight I had put on from having a baby, and not working out for 2 years. I had an extremely busy schedule with being a new mom and business owner, and needed to maximize the time I spent working out at the gym. I was nervous about training with a personal trainer for a few reasons, primarily that I was so incredibly out of shape, had at least 20 lbs to lose,  and I knew that I had a lot of work to do to get back into shape. We discussed my goals, and he wrote up a very specific plan on how to achieve these goals in the time frame we set.


A few weeks after training 3-4 times per week, I noticed I started to feel better in every way. Mentally, physically, I noticed my clothes started to fit better, my mom belly was going away and I even started to sleep better. My first fitness assesment 5 weeks out I remember feeling dissapointed because I had lost only 2 lbs, but gained 10lbs of muscle in my body which he assured me was pretty amazing. He told me that the real focus was to get strong, not to worry about the number on the scale. It was from that moment on, everything clicked for me. I could do strong. My focus on how i viewed my body from that one conversation with him changed my entire life.


Then one day, he introduced me to heavy weight lifting. I started doing squats and deadlifts with him every week. This for me was where the magic happened. We set goals every week to increase the amount I could lift, and it was so exciting and powerful to be able to push my body to the limits and see what it was truly capable of. My body weight was going down and my ability to lift heavier weights was increasing. It was unbelieveable. Before I knew it I could fit a size 2 or an Xtra Small, yet my body weight was at 140lbs, which blew my mind.I stopped looking at a scale. I started viewing food in a different way as I was eating to feed my body and give me strength to lift. I carried my body in a different, more confident way than I had before since my core and back became so strong, my waist so tiny, my legs so muscular and strong. The Mom belly was gone, My skin glowed, my mood changed, lifting heavy weights became a true way for me to deal with the stress in my life in a healthy way. Every person in my life told me that they had never seen me look so amazing, and asked me what was my secret.  It truly was Evan and his unbelievable fitness program that in such a short amount of time, got me not only to my goal weight, but actually changed my life in such a positive way. I have so much more energy now to play with my daughter, so much more confidence when I try on clothes. To be 36 years old, and finally have a bikini body is pretty awesome!!


I would recommend Evan to anyone who is wanting to reach their fitness goals. Whether you are interested in weight loss, muscle building or strength training, he is an unbelievable trainer who motivates from a place of wanting to see individuals succeed. I have so much fun training with him, it doesn't feel like work. Set a goal, put your trust in him, and watch the amazing transformation you will have with your body and fitness level!*


Marinne C.

Solon, Ohio

I was never very athletic. I’ve tried working out on my own and with my husband, but just couldn’t stick with it.  The thought of a personal trainer seemed so far off to me. I felt that I wasn’t in good enough shape for a personal trainer.   After a recommendation from a friend, I started working with Evan.  I found him to be encouraging, knowledgeable, and extremely patient! He always seems to make the workouts challenging and fun.  I have been able to accomplish fitness goals that I never thought I could do with his help and guidance.   Recently, I have started weight training which I never thought I could ever do at age 50!!!  Evan has taught me how to do it safely and to my surprise I am actually stronger than I ever imagined.*


Mary Ann R.

Hudson, Ohio

Evan is tough but gauges all exercises to my abilities.  As we have trained together I have gradually been able to do more rigorous workouts than I would have ever done before.  I have added muscle and notice more strength in other activities.  I have had friends notice that I have "nice biceps".  that is a real compliment since I always had skinny arms.  I am 70 years old so strength is very important, as a person ages, to prevent falls and generally maintain good health.


Another positive is that Evan is always prepared for a session.  He has planned the workout and we move through it with as much speed as is comfortable for me.*


Janet C.

Hudson, Ohio

I started this fitness journey alone, but now, with Evan, I have the most amazing support system. On my days off he will send me a text asking me how my eating has been going, and if I fall off the wagon, he picks me right back up and gets me motivated again. Up until January of 2015, working out had always been a chore, now, it is truly something I look forward to. Evan pushes me harder than any trainer I have ever had (and I can assure you, that is a lot!). And, much to his chagrin, I can honestly say that underneath his tough persona, he is the most caring, compassionate trainer an overweight, former athlete could ask for. Anybody who wants to be pushed to their max and supported until they meet their goals would absolutely benefit from training with Evan, he is the best of the best!*


Erin G.

Chagrin Falls, Ohio

After trying every diet and workout regimen under the sun, without great success for results, I decide to try going the personal training route! I loved the idea that I could tell someone my personal fitness goals and they could guide me there with proper workouts, nutrition advice and coach me along the way! When I met Evan for my first one-on-one training experience I felt I was in good hands! He definitely makes you feel very comfortable and always makes sure throughout each workout that you are okay. He has a way of pushing your limits safely and leaves you feeling like you just had the best workout each time!*


Maggie S.

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

A few years ago I worked with a personal trainer and it was a poor experience.  The trainer was dis-engaged, was not well trained in the profession nor truly committed to it. So I tried the predictable gym settings and working out at home with little satisfaction.  I decided to try a personal trainer again-  determined to find someone who is dedicated to the work, his/her clients, a consummate professional.  I had heard of Evans exceptional reputation from a friend; I was surprised at the depth of his knowledge and skills as a trainer.  He is passionate about his clients; he is always learning, and he cuts you no slack in sessions with him.  Evan pushed me in an inspiring way; things I did not think I could do he motivated me to achieve. Workouts are strenuous, challenging but the results were immediate and enduring:  I improved my balance, my core strength (much needed for golf), I gained muscle yet lost weight and overall just feel better.  Plus, Evan is great fun and a most interesting individual.  I recommend Evan without hesitation.*


Bill F.

Hudson, Ohio

Evan’s knowledge of anatomy and the science of exercise makes him an outstanding personal trainer.  He was astute to be mindful of my weaknesses yet he also maximized my potential for improvement.  In the past I never enjoyed exercising but I knew I needed to make some changes to strengthen my heart and prevent osteoporosis.  Evan recognized right away that I got energized by certain aspects of his training methods and he developed a personalized routine from there.  His training sessions built a confidence and realization that I could actually get stronger.He gradually brought me to a level that I would have never imagined I could attain.  My strength and endurance have drastically improved.  I have more energy now to do the tasks of everyday life, like bringing in heavy groceries or spending a day doing yardwork.  On top of that I have taken up sports like tennis and biking that I never before had the inclination or energy.  I feel better now than I did 20 years ago!

I highly recommend Evan if you are thinking of starting an exercise program and desire to go beyond even your own expectations.*


Courtney D.

Hudson, Ohio

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